Hail the Snail #20

5 Dec

Sorry this mail call is a few days late, and that I haven’t posted “Dear November” either. With a new year around the corner, I think Sincerely Kate may need a new plan of attack. For now, though…

November 15th: The last mail call ended with a postcard from Russia, and this one is starting with another.

November 17th: After many –too many– days without Manolo Love, I finally got a letter from Jody.

November 18th: Pablo had another postcard for me, this time from a postcrosser in Germany.

November 19th: I got a letter from my newest pen pal, Amber.

November 23rd: I didn’t just get one postcard from Krista, but four of the things, hehe.

November 25th: Two more postcards were acquired thanks to Pablo.

November 28th: The Christmas gift Gabe ordered for the Loganator arrived today.

November 29th: I heard from Jody yet again.

November 30th: I heard from Kristy next, and Logan got a package from his Papa Halvorson.

December 1st: This month started with a Christmas card (how timely!), two postcards, and the last ever batch of Little Cards.

December 3rd: If getting a letter from Amber along with a Christmas (post)card weren’t cool enough, I/we also got a letter from the school saying Logan is basically one of their Students of the Month, hehe.

December 4th: Last but not least, my order of Christmasy stamps arrived.

Though blogging about happy mail seems to have taken a backseat as of late, I’m excited to get it all the same. When you pen pal, it’s almost like you get presents all year long, hehe. Hope your holidays will be happy ones, by the way!

Sincerely, Kate ~!~

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