A Letter to Logan

20 Jan

Dear Logan,

In just three days you’re going to be three years old. It doesn’t seem possible for so much time to have passed since your dad brought us home from the hospital. It doesn’t seem possible that you already know how to push my buttons yet turn my frowns upside down when said buttons have been pushed. It doesn’t seem possible that I can grow to love you more than I love you today, but if these past three years have taught me anything, it’s that I grow to love you more and more with each passing day.

My heart did somersaults when you said “momma” for the first time and it beamed with pride when you took your first steps. They say that “having a baby changes everything,” and that has included my heart. For someone so little, you have made a big impact on me. I can only imagine how much I will marvel at you in another three years.

You know how I’m usually playing on the computer whenever you’re playing with your trucks and tractors? More often than not I’m on Facebook talking about you! I put a bunch of statuses and pictures from your first two years in my post from last year, and now I’ll share with you some of my favorite Facebook statuses from the past year 🙂

May 25th, 2013:
“It makes me giggle whenever Logan says goodbye to his piggy bank after making a deposit. And it warms my heart whenever he says ‘you too, mumma’ after I tell him I love him.”

July 15th, 2013:
“Mr. Logan got complimented on his manners today. And his looks, but the latter’s nothing new.”

September 14th, 2013:
“You know it’s going to be an interesting day when the first thing your son does is grab his golf club and chases the cats with it.”

September 14th, 2013 Again:
“My day’s ending as funny as it started. Every time Gabe leans in for kisses from Logan, the little guy coughs &/or laughs as soon as his dad’s an inch from his face.”

November 23rd, 2013:
“Logan keeps pausing his dad’s show, claiming it needs to load. Gabe keeps telling me I need to entertain his son, but both the little one and I are already very entertained :-D”

December 26th, 2013:
“Logan insists on Gabe sitting on the floor with him as he plays tractors and trucks, but heaven help Daddy if he touches any of the toys!”

You, my dear boy, are definitely the light of my life, so I’m sorry for all the times I have raised my voice over the past few years, and if I ever made you feel like you were an inconvenience. Unfortunately I can’t promise you that this will never happen again, but I can assure you that I’m always going to immediately feel bad about it, making myself feel worse than I ever made you feel. You are my greatest accomplishment and I’m going to try my best to make sure you always remember that.

This past year has been a bit of a rough one with all of the dentist visits, and I know it must have felt like Daddy and I were being mean for making you go through that, but I promise you it was in your best interest even if you’re not going to see it that way until you’re older. We are always going to do what we think is best for you; you may hate us for it, but we love you more than you can possibly comprehend.

It doesn’t seem possible that so much has happened in such a short time. We love you and we’re so happy to have you in our lives! Happy birthday, Mr. Logan!

Sincerely, Kate ~!~ Love, Mommy

PS: A couple of my pen pals would like to wish you a happy birthday, too!



7 Responses to “A Letter to Logan”

  1. Deborah 01/20/2014 at 8:23 am #

    Reblogged this on Container Chronicles and commented:
    I love this letter my daughter wrote to Mr. Logan for his 3rd birthday! I can’t believe he will be 3 in just 3 days! And of course, I’m a sucker for Mr. Logan pictures. Enjoy! 🙂

  2. Deborah 01/20/2014 at 8:28 am #

    What a beautiful post! Happy Birthday, Mr. Logan! Grandma loves you very much! ❤

  3. Simona Mugenyte 01/20/2014 at 9:11 am #

    Time passes sooo fast… And every day passes faster and faster. We are so lucky to have these miracles- children. We can learn so much from them 🙂 And children never stops to surprise us.
    Love your post, Kate!
    Best wishes to Mr. Logan on his 3rd. birthday

  4. MissFourEyes 01/21/2014 at 11:42 am #

    That was such a sweet letter, Kate.
    Happy birthday, Mr. Logan!

  5. redpenmamapgh 01/28/2014 at 2:38 pm #

    Life with a 3-year-old! I wish you much luck. 🙂
    I’m on my final 3-year-old. Until grandkids, honest to Pete.

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