Tag Archives: love

How I Met Your Father

5 Apr

Dear Logan,

By the time you’re old enough to even consider reading this, the TV show How I Met Your Mother will have gone the way of dinos and VHS tapes. Do we even watch TV anymore or do we just have these holograms programmed into our minds like in the book Feed by M.T. Anderson? (Don’t you dare ask what a book is!)

Honestly I only ever watched the first few episodes of HIMYM,  but the series ended the other night which was apparently a pretty big deal so it made me think now would be an opportune time to write about how I met your father.

7As I tell my pen pals when I talk about your dad, I first met Gabe when I was around 12-years-old thanks to youth group. The same family who was responsible for me getting (my) Snickers 16 years ago was the same family who let me tag along with them on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings to the church where I not only met your dad (and grandparents and Tio Kyle) but my friend Anna who was the maid-of-honor in our wedding.

Your dad took a liking to me right away. To be honest, I liked another boy from youth group but considering he was encouraging me to date your dad I could tell he wasn’t interested. It’s a good thing he wasn’t though, because your dad wound up being the best boyfriend I ever had. The only reason I broke up with him all those years ago was that I felt too young to be too serious. Like I said before, I was barely a teenager so whenever he gave me a rose or some other object of his affection I felt so embarrassed. I had a lot of growing up to do and in the next 10 or so years I did just that, learning from every failed relationship as well as the wonderful book He’s Just Not That Into You.

It was in 2009 when your dad came back into my life. It was right after an especially bad break up with a boy named Brett so between getting over that guy and already knowing Gabe from before, it took me a little bit to see Gabe as a potential suitor. A great friend, sure, but I didn’t know if us dating again was what I really wanted. He hung in there, though! He hung out with me at every opportunity, texted me when he couldn’t, and not only watched things like Glee with me, but took me all the way to Detroit to see The Phantom of the Opera (I bought the tickets for that Brett guy I mentioned earlier, but your dad made sure they didn’t go to waste). Just like when I was a kid, this guy made me a priority and it wasn’t until I was in Florida visiting your Uncle Doug and Uncle Erik that it dawned on me that your dad was my biggest priority, too. The whole time I was celebrating Christmas with my half brothers I wished he was there. The highlight of my trip was talking to Gabe, either by text or by phone call, about the events of each day at the end of ’em. I might have called Gabe my boyfriend before leaving for Florida, but it was upon my return that I felt he was that and so much more.

23478_1364258707494_7995065_nIt was just a few days before my 23rd birthday when your dad proposed. I saw it coming a mile away, mainly because he was trying to gauge the type of jewelry I was into. Technically the engagement ring was my birthday present, but after a day of just lounging around, being us, he couldn’t resist giving it to me early after saying “Today has been perfect; I want every day to be like this.”

Originally we were planning to get married in August of 2011, but because of you, my dear boy, our plans changed. When we found out I was pregnant we decided to move our wedding up to July 30th, 2010 because A) I wouldn’t be showing yet, B) the two brothers from Florida were already going to be in Michigan, and C) it just seemed easiest to go through the wedding before having you than afterwards, not to mention I’d have the same last name as you once you were born.

Our wedding was great. It was a nice little event, nothing extravagant but special enough that your dad and I remember it fondly. Sure there were some hitches like Anna leaving her dress in her vehicle when she was carpooling with us and my dress not wanting to fit quite right because someone *cough* you *cough* decided my boobs weren’t quite big enough yet, but those moments just make us laugh now. Thank God. Oh, let me tell you this about your dad, one of our wedding guests was having trouble getting her van started after the reception so, after he changed out of his tux, of course, he crawled under it to get it going again. You couldn’t have picked a better father, Mr. Logan. This guy will do anything and everything he can for you.


I wish I could say we all lived happily ever after, but considering you’re living this life with us I know you know that’s not true. Sure, we are happy, but there’s more to life than just feeling that one emotion. I want you to feel sad sometimes because it will make the times that you’re happy so much more meaningful. I want you to experience heartbreak because you’ll learn from it, just like both your dad and I have. Don’t get me wrong, Logan, there is nothing in this world I want more than your happiness, but sadly sometimes you’re going to get upset or irritated or just plain pissed off, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Your dad and I have seen each other through every kind of emotion there is (though thankfully some of the uglier ones don’t happen too often). I hope you see that just because we’re far from perfect, doesn’t mean I don’t think your dad’s perfect for me and vice versa. Did I make you gag yet?

You’re a very loved boy, Mr. Logan. You and your dad mean everything to me so I’m glad that I not only met him once, but that I got to meet him again.

Sincerely, Kate Love, Mom ~!~

I Love That

5 May

In a few short days my husband Gabe is going to be 29 so I thought now would be an opportune time to share 29 reasons I love that man!

1. I love that he wants nothing more than to provide for our family.

2. I love that he’s willing to be around me 24/7.

3. I love that he’s a homebody like me.

4. I love that he’s my chef, chauffeur, and occasional masseuse.

5. I love that he wanted to marry me.

Mr. and Mrs. Ruiz as of July 30th, 2010.

Mr. and Mrs. Ruiz as of July 30th, 2010.

6. I love that he loves me despite the things I loathe about myself.

7. I love that even when we’re struggling with money he doesn’t make me feel guilty for not working (I do that to myself enough).

8. I love that he can make me laugh no matter how sad or stressed I’m feeling.

9. I love that he has such a goofy sense of humor.

10. I love that he helped make such a cute, funny, and smart little boy.

Gabe, Mr. Logan, and me. Summer of 2012.

Gabe, Mr. Logan, and me. Summer of 2012.

11. I love that he’s totally supportive of my AlphaBits project with the Loganator.

12. I love that regardless of being busy at work, he’ll make a point to go to the post office should I ask him to.

13. I love that he will take my letters to the mailbox or bring in the mail whenever the weather is awful.

14. I love that he takes care of the yard, with or without the help of Mr. Logan.

15. I love that he has as much fun with our landmark hoodies as I do.

Me and Gabe, modeling our landmark hoodies early 2010.

Me and Gabe, modeling our landmark hoodies early 2010.

16. I love that he doesn’t mind when I borrow steal his clothes.

17. I love that he’ll take dozens of pictures with me until I find one worthy of my Facebook page.

18. I love that he’ll go to musicals with me.

19. I love that we rarely disagree on what restaurant we’d like to go to.

20. I love that he’s up for the occasional impromptu trip, whether it’s to the Gourmet Cupcake Shoppe, my grandparents’, or somewhere else.

Me and Gabe, Midnight Premiere of Alice in Wonderland (2010)

Me and Gabe, Midnight Premiere of Alice in Wonderland (2010)

21. I love that in spite of being a year shy of 30, Gabe wanted things like Phineas & Ferb on DVD.

22. I love that he has been my guinea pig whenever I brave the kitchen, and a complimentary one at that.

23. I love that he cleans the kitchen from time to time.

24. I love that he’ll come home from work with ginger ale if he hears that I’ve been sick.

25. I love  that he always kisses me before he goes to bed and before he leaves for work.

Me and Gabe, 2013.

Me and Gabe, 2013.

26. I love that despite hating the tourists he’ll still take me to Frankenmuth.

27. I love that he doesn’t bat an eyelash when I want new address labels, postcards, or other pen pal friendly knick knacks.

28. I love that even though he doesn’t read my blogs he is supportive of all my writing.

and 29. I love that if he were to read this he would love it just because I’m responsible for it.

Happy birthday Gabe!
Logan and I both love you so much.

Sincerely, Kate ~!~