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Pen Pal of the Month- November

10 Nov

This month’s off to a peculiar start! With the end of the year in sight, a lot of my regular pen pals have already won this silly little award, but fortunately I still have a few people I could acknowledge– unfortunately they made acknowledging them a bit of a challenge!retired

I first contacted Katherine since I heard from her at the beginning of November, but she said I could pick someone else and maybe come back to her. I then contacted Angel since I heard from her a couple days later, but she didn’t know if she could answer my questions by the deadline. Dun dun dun…

Good news! Angel was able to answer ’em and she can now expect some silly little prizes from me in return for her services, hehe.

SK: How do you feel about being pen pal of the month?

Angel: I am shocked and excited! Yipeeeeee!

SK: When and why did you get into pen palling?

Angel: I started pen palling when I was about 10 years old when I met some missionaries.

SK: What’s your favorite thing about pen palling?

Angel: Getting to know people from all over the world. Learning how their culture is different than mine. And being able to just be me.

SK: What’s your favorite thing about having me as your pen pal?

Angel: I can always expect a prompt response from you and not have to wait forever!

SK: What’s your favorite thing about November?

Angel: I am not a fan of cold weather but I do enjoy Thanksgiving since I get to see my siblings who I don’t often get to see and taking fall photos..

SK: What three things are you the most thankful for?

Angel: There are so many things to be thankful that we often take for granted. A roof over our head, food to eat and quilts.

SK: Who are three people you’re most thankful for?

Angel: My kids, my parents and my dog Moose. A bit more than 3 but they are the most important people in my life. And my pen pals 🙂

Although finding this month’s PPOTM was a bit of a challenge, in the end I think it was worth it. I’m glad another pen friend of mine, Casey, introduced me and Angel; it’s been nice getting to know her since February of this year. Like her, I’m thankful for my pen pals and you can see just how much in a couple of entries 😉 Only one more month of this particular series, by the way!

Sincerely, Kate ~!~